The Kids Guide to Horsemanship and Grooming
Trafalgar Square
This book has everything you need to know to care for horses while staying save and having fun. Wehn it comes to horses, kids need to learn more than just "how to ride." The most improtant lessons...

All About Lungeing
Trafalgar Square
Dressage trainer Paul Fielder provides all the basics for starting you on the road to proficient lungeing techniques. He covers equipment and its proper use, starting the young horse, and improving...

All About Manes & Tails
Trafalgar Square
If you have ever wondered how to pull a mane or tail, produce perfect plaits for the show ring or try one of the more unusual plaiting techniquis, this book has the answers. Step by step, it shows...

Well Groomed
Grays Ltd
Well Groomed', from Border Fine Arts, depicts a special time when caring for and grooming a good friend. There is a romantic area between England and Scotland, with rolling hills, sparkling streams...