Equi+Calm Show Safe Performance Pellets is a veterinary developed quieting supplement that is designed to achieve and maintain a calm, confident and comfortable horse during times of stress or anxiety. The convenient and palatable formula reduces adrenaline, increases endorphins and protects the horse’s sensitive stomach to achieve peak performance.
Equi+Calm is the solution for nervous horses who tend to spook, lose focus, become easily distracted or harbor tension. The Equi+Calm formula alleviates stress, promotes focus, supports memory and increases bodyecomfort to enhances your horse’s natural performance. Equi+Calm does not impede athletic performance and does not cause excessive acid production.
All ingredients are not currently listed on the USEF or AQHA prohibited substance list.
1 Pound Bag, 16 doses
2 Pound Container, 32 doses (Additional $46)
Also available in a single-dose paste tube