Half Cheek Snaffle Driving Bit 3.75'', 4'', 4.5'', 4.75''
Here's a traditional driving bit constructed of all stainless steel.
These bits are nicely proportioned and have the smaller cheek pieces for ponies. They are available in 3 3/4, 4, 4 1/2 & 4...
Happy Mouth Half Spoon Cheek Snaffle, 4.5"
Happy Mouth
Happy Mouth now makes a traditional driving bit for ponies.
The unique Apple Scent encourages horses to accept the bit and the space age polymer provides for a gentler bit for a happier pony...
Half Cheek Double Twisted Wire Driving Bit 4.5''
This 4 1/2" double twisted wire half cheek bit is constructed of stainless steel.
The ring measures 2 1/8 inches and the overall length of the cheek is 4 inches.
Liverpool Snaffle Driving Bit 4.5'' & 4.75''
The stainless steel Liverpool snaffle from Smuckers Harness Shop has a broken mouth piece.
Sizes: 4 1/2" and 4 3/4"
The cheek lengths for the 4 1/2" is 6"; the 4 3/4" is 7 1/8".
Liverpool Snaffle, 4.5"
Intrepid International
The Liverpool snaffle bit is made with high quality stainless steel with a cheek length of 5 5/8 inches.
Size: 4 1/2"
Coronet Mullen Mouth Liverpool, 4.5"
Intrepid International
This Liverpool Bit is a curb bit with swivel cheeks and two slots. It's made of high quality stainless steel by Coronet. The cheek length is 5 5/8 inches.
Size: 4 1/2 inches
Straight Mouth Liverpool, 2-Slot, 4.5"
Intrepid International
This Straight Mouth Liverpool bit is made of high quality stainless steel and the cheek length is 5 1/2 inches.
The straight bar mouthpiece is reversible - smooth on one side and with barred...
Smuckers Liverpool Straight Bar Bit, 3-Slot, 4.5"
Smuckers Harness Shop offers a Liverpool Straight Bar bit made of high quality stainless steel.
Sizes: 4 1/2 Inches
The cheek length on this bit is approximately 6 inches.
Bit Sizer
Jacks Mfg
This Bit Sizer is a must have for every tack box. To achieve a quick and accurate measurement for a properly fitted bit, simply insert the bit sizer into your pony or horse's mouth and read the large...